主演: 譚穎倫,王侯偉
类型: 纪录片
备注: 已完结
年份: 2011
兩個香港青年譚穎倫與王侯偉選擇了傳統粵劇為事業,並立志成為粵劇界寥寥可數的男旦。二人懷著旁人無法理解的熱情,面對家人、行業、社會的不解與壓力,走著他們一意孤行的乾旦路。從兩個自小惺惺相惜的難得知己,互相學習如何做好一個女性角色,到今天卻輾轉成了一對臺上好拍擋,演繹一段段粵劇男女的動人故事。 在香港立志從事藝術從來都是一條逆流的路,既不切實際又難有明天。當知道前面的路是沒有未來,你還會選擇走下去嗎? If we know a path leads to nowhere, without proof of success, will we still choose it? Historically, Cantonese Opera has never had an iconic dan (female lead role that is typically played by male actors). However, with Ren Jianhui’s success, female actresses playing typical male occupied dan roles have become the tradition and the trend in Cantonese Opera. Two young Cantonese men who have been captivated by male dan, – Tan Yinglun and Wang Houwei – are changing trends in Cantonese Opera. With time and perseverance, will they be able to defy tradition or buck mainstream? If Mei Lanfang (famous dan performer of Peking Opera) was a Cantonese Opera dan, could that have paved their way? 获奖情况: 2012年 入圍第九屆香港亞洲電影節亞洲國度單元 2013年 入圍第三屆北京國際電影節北京展映單元 2013年 入圍第三屆華語視像藝術節